A common hurdle in the PR world stems back to the age-old paradox of cause and effect: what comes first, the chicken or the egg? You need media attention to build hype around your organization and lure in customers and investors, but it’s challenging to gain media attention unless you are already a household name […]
Labor Day? More Like Labor Year.
Labor Day is the one official day each year that’s dedicated to acknowledging and paying tribute to America’s workers. This year, it hardly feels even remotely adequate to only set aside one day. For all the hardship, loss and isolation we’ve all experienced at some point over these past several months, 2020 will also go […]
s2s PR Will Be an Employee-Owned Company; Here’s Why
Why are we committing to ensuring s2s PR and Communications becomes an employee-owned company by 2025? The intention is to democratize ownership, offer greater economic opportunity to those driving value for the company, and to create a transparent, resilient, and inclusive company. It’s lofty. It’s also, I believe, fair.
Blurring Brand Lines: 4 questions to assess how your social media behavior impacts your company reputation
Rudyard Kipling wrote that famous line, “And never the twain shall meet” when describing the East and West. However, in today’s hyper-intertwined digital world, if the dividing line isn’t East and West–but your personal brand and professional brand–then the twain have indeed met. You can no longer claim absolution when you write a line on […]
7 Tips to International WFH when it’s a 7,000 Mile Commute to the Office
In a respectable, and necessary, effort to flatten the curve, many of us have relocated our laptops, sun lamps, favorite mugs, and plant friends to our dining room tables, children’s bedrooms, and nightstands. Depending on your environment, and those with whom you cohabitate, your new work space may be a refreshing change of pace, or […]
MedPage Today ft. TIPS: ‘Five Ways to Cope When Masks Run Low’
New CDC guidance offers options on reuse, decontamination — and no, don’t use home ovens or tanning beds. Read more here: https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/85799
A Purpose-First Approach to Growing your Brand
How a Relentless Focus on Problem-Solving Drives Better Outcomes and Fuels Success Let’s take a quick trip back to the good ol’ days of 2013 as I share a cautionary tale with a moral that rings true for any startup, regardless of your industry. In 2013 the DOW closed at a record high of 15,548, […]
‘3 Pandemic Communications Cues from Your Kitchen Table’
“Our worlds both narrow and deepen in crisis. The professional static of your pre-pandemic life clears and those that matter most come into focus. And that’s where your focus should stay, for now.” Read more from s2s Public Relations and Communications Founder, Eric Schudiske, here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-pandemic-comms-cues-from-your-personal-life-eric-schudiske/
GeekWire: ‘Geek of the Week: Jordan Zager uses plant science to make cannabis more environmentally efficient’
“As an environmentally conscious cannabis enthusiast and scientist, I quickly made it my goal to reduce the environmental footprint that cannabis production has on our surroundings in anyway I can,” he said. Read more here: https://www.geekwire.com/2020/jordan-zager-phd/
Seattle Business Magazine: ‘SeaChange Fund’s Susan Preston Has Earned a Global Reputation as a Leader in the Investment World’
Preston says more women who have achieved success must work to ‘intentionally carve out opportunities for other women’. Read more here: http://seattlebusinessmag.com/daring-women/seachange-fund%E2%80%99s-susan-preston-has-earned-global-reputation-leader-investment-world