The “professional” books we’re cozying up with this winter

During these dark winter months, these are a few of the books that are lighting us up professionally right now:
Tools and Weapons, by Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne
Eric Schudiske says: A technology time capsule, albeit only a year old, this pre-pandemic read showcases that those who create disruptive technology must also own and aid in alleviating any societal consequences, plus the read offers a clear and compelling historical context back to the origins of our country.
Trust Me, I’m Lying, by Ryan Holiday
Jessica McNellis says: This is an expose of the media landscape and one PR professional’s manipulation of the system. While largely critical of the media, there are interesting strategies on “manipulating” the system in ethical ways, like “trading up the chain” by securing lower tier media opportunities to establish yourself for higher priority outlets.
Writing tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, by Roy Peter Clark
Kelly Johnson says: Relevant for both novice & expert writers alike, this informative book offers tips practical for all genres of writing – such as ‘branching to the right’ (beginning sentences with subjects and verbs) and ‘preferring simple to the technical’ (using shorter sentences and paragraphs while maintaining complexity). Each paragraph ends with an assignment to put the tools into practice.
The New Rules of Marketing & PR, 7th Edition, by David Meerman Scott
Crystal Clarity says: The only constant in PR and marketing is change. This book is fantastic for providing expert insights into how the world of marketing is rapidly evolving, and which trends will drive the greatest impact in 2021, like podcasts and AI. I can’t wait to implement some of these takeaways into our 2021 plans.